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Penile Prosthesis Implant Surgery

Research and Publication

Penile Prosthesis Implant Surgery

Penile prosthesis implant surgery is usually done for those patients whose erectile dysfunction cannot be effectively manged with other methods of treatment. It is a life long remedy for erectile problems. Advantages of this treatment are:

1. After the implant surgery patient need not take any erectogenic medicnie to induce an erection.

2. It is a life long remedy.

3. Sexual contact can be continued without any loss of rigidity even after ejaculation.

4. Sexual intercourse can be continued till the partner achieves full satisfaction.

5. Patient can engage in sexual intercourse as and when he desires.

Surgical Procedure: Prosthesis implant is inserted into the corpus cavernosa through a small incision made on the body. Patient needs to stay in the hospital for 5 to 10 days.


Whether any one can make out that I have undergone such a surgery? How can I hide the erected penis?

No. You can conceal it inside the under garments as the implant is a flexible device. Even if you wear trousers, lungi, mundu (dothi) no body can make it out. 

Penile implant surgery is an option for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and doesn’t respond to other types of treatments. It is the last resort in Ed patients. Implant is the best choice for chronic diabetic patients. It is a surgical procedure where we implant a pair of prosthesis inside the penis to help the patient to achieve an erection. Implant is or the device is placed either through the incision in the scrotum or through an incision in the lower abdomen or right above the penis.

Types of Implants: There are inflatable and non inflatable devices.

Malleable implant.jpg
Malleable implant
AMS 650 Malleable implnt.JPG
Malleable implant AMS 650
Two piece implant.jpg
Two piece implant
Three piece implant.jpg
Three piece implant

The inflatable device can be subdivided into 2-piece and 3-piece devices depending upon the location of the fluid used for inflation.  

The two piece implant: It is an inflatable device. There is a set of cylinders to be placed inside the penis and a pump which can be hidden inside the scrotum. Erection can be attained by gently pressing the pump hidden inside the scrotum and can be deflated by bending the erected penis with a little force.

Two piece implant illustration.jpg
Two piece penile implant
Three piece penile-implant illustration.jpg
Three piece penile implant

The three piece implant: is a device with two cylinders, a reservoir and a pump. Both cylinders are placed in the erection chambers of the penis, reservoir in the lower abdomen and the pump into the scrotum. Patient can achieve an erection by gently pressing the pump in the scrotum allowing the fluid from the reservoir to travels to the tubes fitted inside the penis. By pressing the pump again erected penis can be deflated. Today, many men choose inflatable prosthesis, which allows them to have an erection whenever he desires and much easier to conceal which appears more natural.

The Non inflatable prosthesis: got a pair of rigid or malleable or bendable tubes which is implanted inside the cavernosal structures of the penis. When required, the malleable implants can be lifted with the hand and kept to the desired position for intercourse. This is the simplest type of implant and one need not worry about the mechanical failure of the device.

Advantages of Implant:- There are so many advantages for implant operation compared to medication. Medicines got some side effects and some patients cannot tolerate these side effects, medicine cannot be given to patients taking nitrates. All the patients with vascular (artereogenic and venogenic) ED reach to a stage with complete loss of erection and none of the medicines are effective; in such cases implant is the best choice. The best advantage of implant is that a man can engage in sexual act as and when he feels the need and need not rush to a medical store to buy a tablet or wait to get the effect. He can continue intercourse even after the ejaculation as the penis continues to stay erected even after ejaculation. He may stop only after his partner achieves full satisfaction or when he wishes to stop. A well experinced sexologist can guide you in this regard.

Implant operations done at Dr. Promodu's Institute  

Dr Promodus Institute is the pioneer institution in Kerala, India to perform so many penile prosthesis implant surgeries during a short period. During the last 3 years we have successfully done 74 implant operations to treat ED. Out of this 46 shah prosthesis, 5 AMS 650, 22 AMS spectra and 1 inflatable prosthesis were used. We allow the patient to stay in the hospital for 7 – 10 days so as to avoid the post surgical complications. We take maximum precautions to avoid complications. Usually we post the patient for operation only after through physical, medical and cardiological evaluations. Though world over many complications are reported for implant operations so far we never had any such problems. Our study shows that patient’s as well as partner’s satisfaction in sexual life has significantly increased after the implant. The choice of implant, choice of size, fitting of implant and the techniques of surgery are the most important ones. Only a veteran surgeon in the field can do it properly.

Making the incision

Inserting the Implant



Penile prosthesis implant operation done at Dr. Promodu's Institute - Fitted with Shah implant

Implanted penis fitted with Shah prosthesis 1.JPG
Implanted penis fitted with Shah prosthesis 2.JPG
Implanted penis fitted with Shah prosthesis 3.JPG
Implanted penis fitted with Shah prosthesis 4.JPG

Penile prosthesis implant operation done at Dr. Promodu's Institute - Fitted with AMS Spectra

Implanted penis fitted with AMS Spectra-Penis kept in flaccid position - Front view.JPG
Implanted penis fitted with AMS Spectra 1.JPG
Implanted penis fitted with AMS Spectra 2.JPG
AMS Spectra -Penis kept in flaccid position - Side view.JPG